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Humanitarian Aid Worker
About Me

About Me

Born in Hokkaido, Japan in 1970. Started voluntary work at an orphanage in Kolkata, India in 2000, and later joined an emergency relief rescue team following a huge earthquake that struck western India. In late 2001, began working at AIDS hospices in Thailand and Cambodia. Moved to Iraq when the US-led coalition attacked Iraq in 2003, performing hospital assessments and delivering medication to the combat zone. In April 2004, was taken hostage along with two other Japanese nationals by local armed forces who demanded the withdrawal of Japan's self defense force troops. After being released and returning to Japan, received fierce criticism as a traitor. Resumed working in the neighboring country of Jordan after some months, and completed various kind of projects and missions. Current focus is on emergency relief for IDP and refugees. Co-founder of the Iho-Net (Iraq Hope Network) and the Iraq War Inquiry Japan group, and co-manager of the Article 9 Association (which works to preserve Japan's peace constitution).

高遠 菜穂子(たかとお なほこ)フリーランスエイドワーカー



All my works are "Peace-Making", that is the way of my life.

​Activities and Projects

2000 - 2002

Orphanage, India

AIDS Hospice, Thailand

AIDS Hospice, Cambodia




2003 - Today

Street Children Program [Sheltering and vocational Training], Iraq

Emergency Relief [Refugees and IDP], Iraq and Jordan

Medical Support [Refugees and IDP], Iraq and Jordan

Renovation and Installation [Schools, clinic and Hospitals], Iraq

Educational support [School Supplies, Library], Iraq







2010 - Today

Surgery Mission with Japanese Doctors [Plastic Surgery], Iraq

Supporting Iraqi doctors for Medical Training Course in Japan

Assessment of IDP and Security Situation, Iraq

Fact Finding Mission for Birth Defects, Iraq

Partnering with International Medical Team [Congenital Heart Disease]






2019 - Today

Started "PEACE CELL PROJECT" for Peace Education and Ecology in Conflict zone, with teachers, librarians, aid workers, designers, dramatists, actors and volunteers



Activities and Projects



“Aishiterutte Dou Iuno?” [How can I say “ I Love You”? – Searching for the meaning of life] 

『愛してるって、どう言うの? − 生きる意味を探す旅の途中で –』



“Sensou to Heiwa –Soredemo Iraq jin wo kirai ni narenai-

[War and Peace – Can’t Hate Iraqis Though]

『戦争と平和 − それでもイラク人を嫌いになれない − 』


•   Awarded JCJ [Japan Congress of Journalists] Incentive award



“Hello, I am Alive –Login from the Hottest Area in Iraq”

Co-translation, Iraqi Blogger Kasim Turki’s “Letters From Ramadi”

​『ハロー、僕は生きてるよ − イラク最激戦地からログイン − 』(大月書店)


“War and Peace – Can’t Hate Iraqis Though”, Chinese Edition

『戦争と平和 − それでもイラク人を嫌いになれない』中国語版



“Hakai to Kibou no Iraq” [Destruction and Hope in Iraq]




“Life has No boundaries” [My Experiences of War and Peace in Iraq ]

​『命に国境はない -紛争地イラクで考える戦争と平和-』


Co-Writing / 共著


(2011年 合同出版)

『ひとびとの精神史 第9巻』

(2016年 岩波書店)


​(2017年 岩波書店)

10 years after the Iraq war

Innocent New Lives are Still Dying and Suffering

​[2013 Human Rights Now]

Documentary Film / ドキュメンタリー映画

Radio Documentary / ラジオドキュメンタリー

“Nahoko Takato: Hero Held Hostage"

Snap Judgement

2016 Directed by Davey Kim​

TV Program / テレビプログラム

『終わらぬイラク 高遠菜穂子さんの6年』

2010年 NHKクローズアップ現代

2010年 NHKハイビジョンにて拡大版

Contact Me

Contact Me


Duhok, Iraq

Hokkaido, Japan

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